Care & Maintenance – Bowed Instruments

Your Cavatina Violins, Violas, Cellos & Double Basses are skillfully built and will inherently last a lifetime! Material & component wear and tear are very marginal as we always strive to achieve superlative quality of these aspects. But a simple and regular ‘Care & Maintenance’ routine will set your instruments lasting for several decades without a hitch. Kindly familiarize the following Do’s & Don’ts!

  • Always keep your violins, violas, cellos & double basses clean with a microfiber cloth or fresh duster. Only use cleaners and polishes exclusively made for bowed instruments.
  • Always invest in a good quality case/bag.
  • Protect your instrument inside the case/bag with soft microfiber cloth spread over it.
  • Never expose your bowed instruments to extreme temperature changes. Never leave them in freezer rooms and parked vehicles for too long.
  • Keep the humidity levels steady in the storage room. Never store them in rooms which are too hot, too cold or very dry.
  • Remember to loosen the bow hair before storing your bow.
  • Never handle the horsehair on your bow with bare hands.
  • Never apply excessive force on your pegs or you will end up snapping them.
  • During string changes, only change one string at a time. Do not remove all of the strings at once!
  • Use lighter rosins as they are harder and thicker which helps in better string-bow contact.